Common name- Kusum

Scientific name- Schleichera oleosa


Kingdom- Plantae

Family- Sapindaceae

Order- Sapindales

Mode of propagation-

The study reveals that the species is amenable for vegetative propagation by young shoot cuttings. IBA application significantly enhanced the rooting percentage of the species. The species showed 50% rooting response with 0.4% IBA treatment after 86 days. The study reveals that the species is amenable for vegetative propagation by young shoot cuttings. IBA application significantly enhanced the rooting percentage of the species. The species showed 50% rooting response with 0.4% IBA treatment after 86 days.


Host plant for lac cultivation: Kusum tree is one of the major host plants commercially exploited for cultivation of the Indian lac insect (Kerria lacca). It supports the kusmi strain of lac insect, which produces good quality light-coloured resin of demand by the lac industry, thus fetching high remunerative prices to lac growers. The seeds of kusum are a very rich source of oil (60-70%) for industrial applications. The seed oil called 'kusum oil'.

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